Customer Experience Management | | Published September 04, 2014

How To Create Loyal Customers And Save Time

smileyFiguring out what customers want is the million-dollar question for any company. Not only for marketing purposes, but also from an internal customer satisfaction point of view. If you think about it, customer service is really just ongoing marketing to your existing clients.

Because of email, social media, and online chats, gone are the days where it’s acceptable for a client to have to wait more than 24 hours for an answer. Customers want real-time information. If your support team is able to deliver this, you have a long-term and loyal client.

So, understanding that your clients expect faster and better answers, how do you deliver? Sharing knowledge within an organization, as transparently as possible, will enable you to give real-time updates. Having knowledge sharing software in place gives your customer service team access to those updates.

However, that’s no longer enough. What places companies a cut above the rest is when a consumer doesn’t have to make a phone call in the first place to find the information they’re looking for. Imagine if you could have a self-serve portal that houses account information so customers can answer their own questions. This has two benefits:

Customers are happy – Consumers do 90% of their shopping online before deciding to buy. Existing clients are the same! They want to find answers on their own to save their valuable time.

Customer support is more efficient – By having information out there so clients can answer simple questions on their own, your customer support team is freed up to work on bigger issues. Think of how much time will be saved when your help desk team isn’t answering the same questions over and over again.

TeamSupport is a collaborative customer help desk software program that gives you two immediate benefits:

  1. A central place to house account information to effectively share knowledge.
  2. Provide a self-serve portal for your customers, freeing up the time of your customer support team.

Call us today to discover the many benefits TeamSupport can bring to your company. Or, if you’re like many consumers, you can research before you buy with a free trial. Click below to get started!

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