TeamSupportResourcesCase Studies37% dip in churn with TeamSupport

37% dip in churn with TeamSupport

  • 120k in revenue churn prevented
  • 17% increase in retention
  • 5.3k tickets closed
  • Only 2 customer support agents

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The Business Challenge

Before implementing the TeamSupport customer support solution, communications between support team members and their customers were done primarily via email with a basic ticket tracking software to manage tickets. “We knew we weren’t efficient,” said Paul Bennie, ProfitSword’s director of business development. “And our customers needed a more robust tool for communicating with us.” 

There were more pain points the company was aiming to solve as well, such as:

  • The ability to provide customers with visibility into the status of their requests
  • Empowering customers to solve issues on their own with a Knowledge Base of self-service tools and resources 
  • Improving training resources and programs so customers enjoyed the greatest benefits from the ProfitSword solution
  • Having more comprehensive insight into the customer relationship with reporting and analytics
  • Increasing efficiencies by automating workflows

“Our values, demonstrated by the way we do business and how we partner with companies to help them be successful, aligned with TeamSupport’s,” says Bennie. “It’s the right fit with our model of how we treat our customers—holding their hands throughout the entire process from sales to onboarding and beyond. It played a big role in the selection process.”

The Solution

With TeamSupport’s help, ProfitSword experienced a simple and quick implementation and transition process. The company imported everything from the legacy system and was fully up and running in 2–3 weeks. Since then, ProfitSword has experienced these benefits and more:

  1. Full visibility from any support agent into the customer and contact history of tickets. 

  2. Streamlined communications among support team agents and between agents and customers.

  3. Ability to more proactively manage customer expectations and provide timely feedback.

  4. Immediate improvement in workflow efficiencies as a result of customized automation.   

  5. Creation of Knowledge Base articles and self-service resources as a result of visibility into common support needs and trends.

  6. Enhanced communications between product development, customer support, and sales teams, enabling a holistic approach to customer relationships.

  7. Reorganized teams to better align with needs of their customers.

  8. Ability to gauge customer satisfaction, identify and address customers in distress, and measure ticket resolution KPIs.

TeamSupport was the company’s first investment in software that elevated its ability to support their customers. From there, ProfitSword added other software development tools, processes, and systems, all of which TeamSupport helped to integrate with. “TS has helped us grow into ourselves,” said Paul Bennie. He emphasizes that “TeamSupport has been very flexible as we create a total solution to manage the day-to-day operations of our business.” 

During the COVID-19 pandemic the company took a very proactive approach to customer relationships. Because of the visibility into the business provided by TeamSupport, they were able to help customers change and adapt to the current environment and make the best decisions for current and future scenarios. Customers rely heavily on their systems; to them, ProfitSword is mission critical.

“The CDI, or Customer Distress Index, is a great feature that allows client support contacts to see how the client is in terms of satisfaction. As a company you are able to weigh different criteria to gauge how at risk your clients are.”  Vince Gajewski, Senior Manager Client Success and Training

Words Of Advice From ProfitSword

“Define the support model that will make your team and your customers more successful, outline your needs and pain points, and set the ultimate goals for creating a B2B support model. Then seek out a solution that fits.  

“Find a provider that will play an active role in your analysis of tools and leverage their resources and expertise. This will give you a good indication on if they are easy to work with and will be a true partner in helping you select the best solution.  

“TeamSupport has helped us grow into ourselves which has been pivotal in elevating our ability to support our customers. Choose a solution that will not only scale with you but will also integrate seamlessly with other software development tools, processes, and systems that you adopt towards creating a total solution to manage the day-to-day operations of your business.”