Business Practices | | Published July 06, 2012

Adding Social Media Customer Service to the Customer Experience


With the world of social becoming increasingly important to businesses and customers alike, it's imperative that your company understands the value and need to take your help desk and CRM social. It makes sense to use social media as another outlet to enhance your customer service; not only do you now have the opportunity to reach customers within their comfort zone but it makes your interactions well rounded and more efficient. Depending on your customer service volume, capabilities, and staff, there are a number of options available to you.


Getting On Board with Social

Going social with your customer service means you'll have a better opportunity to address customer problems at all stages of the buying and interacting process. Being involved in the social side of your business gives customers a chance to utilize the platforms they're most comfortable with to connect with you. There are three main tactics to make your customer service social:

  • Social engaging: As a small business, you may be able to manually juggle customer service between your varied social profiles. This new task will take a person, or group of people, solely dedicated to providing customer service online.
  • Social software: If you already have a custom help desk or CRM program, simply integrate the social aspect. Many companies offer upgraded options for this, or you can consider customizing it yourself, if possible.
  • Build a community: Set up a forum through your web host; this can be an offshoot of your website, or be built into it. A forum will be a space for customers to work with specialists at your company, as well as answer each other's questions, possibly decreasing call/service volume.

Getting Software

If you've found the right software for your company, perhaps your best bet is to begin integrating your social interactions. Integrating the social aspect allows your customer care staff to solve problems quick and more efficiently. Instead of guessing or inquiring about previous issues, the information is readily available. Be sure to include these few necessary aspects.

  • Organization: The process should be organized, easy to understand, and quick to view. In order to make the most of the social process, your employees must be able to find the information quickly.
  • Integration: Be sure that all social networks are integrated within the software. From social networks to email inquiries; being able to access every single point of contact will round out your customer care.

Training Your Staff

Adding this new component to your business means employees need to be trained and working from the same knowledge base; as with customer service in general, customers should be receiving the same treatment with each phone call. Whether you're using new software, adding to your current, or taking to the internet manually, employees should be ready to utilize social customer service right out of the gate.

  • Workflow: suggests, sophisticated workflow tools will ensure that information created by the 360 degree view of the customer is accessible to everyone in the organization in the same way. Build this yourself or be sure it's included in the new program.
  • Tools: Be sure employees can quickly and efficiently use the tools provided to them. If purchasing new software, you'll need to customize it to adhere it to your current customer service routines.
  • Preparation: Prepare your team with the right training procedures; bring in training experts from the software company you're working with, hold webinars, or hire previously trained staff.

Integrating the world of social into your help desk and CRM is the next step for businesses. Many are already engaging in this practice; however, too many are still ignoring its importance. In order to provide the utmost service to your customers you must be available to them where they are and right now, that's online.

Bio: Jessica Sanders is an avid small business writer touching on topics that range from social media to business management. She is a professional blogger and web content writer for is a powerful yet easy to use customer service ticketing system which is in use by thousands of companies around the world. Please click here to learn more about this SaaS based helpdesk solution.