AI Customer Service Software for Faster Resolutions

Get a five-star review every time with suggested solutions, automated summaries, and more


Seamless collaboration

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Tone adjustment

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Contextual responses

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Conversational AI

Gain a competitive advantage with AI

AI is rapidly transforming the way we work. Take advantage of our AI customer service software and see how AI can help your team to deliver exceptional customer support at scale.

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Foster sustainable growth without sacrificing support

Deliver excellent customer service without placing additional burden on your team

Work Smarter, Not Harder

TeamSupport AI generates thoughtful, contextual replies to help your agents deliver faster resolutions.


Automated summaries

Forget scrolling through endless text to get caught up on an issue. TeamSupport AI sums it all up in a few bullet points, and even provides recommended next steps.


Suggested solutions

TeamSupport AI draws from previous interactions and knowledge base articles to provide relevant answers to common questions, helping agents resolve issues faster.


Tone Adjustment

Strike the right tone with customers every time with a little help from AI. You can ask TeamSupport to make the response “more professional,” “more lighthearted,” and more.

TeamSupport is integrated with

Increase customer satisfaction with AI

TeamSupport AI draws information from previous customer interactions to add context to conversations. The results: Fewer unanswered or delayed responses, faster time to resolution, and a seamless experience no matter how many agents are working on a case.

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Have a Fully Onboarded Team in Less Than a Month

TeamSupport is designed for customer support teams to grasp quickly and intuitively, saving onboarding costs.

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Stay ahead of the curve

TeamSupport is continuously adding new AI-powered features to delight customers and make agents’ lives easier.

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